Feeling overwhelmed? Try this!

Ever put off something that is kind of important?

Maybe for like, a day?

A week?

A whole year?

::raises hand slowly:: 

I can be super forgetful, especially about things that are pressing. And ESPECIALLY about things that are NOT work related.

My brain is clogged with a ton lists. To do, to buy, to drop off, to pick up, to order, to clean, to share, to try, to post… I mean, it is endless. And also really hard to keep track of when I try to manage it all in 1000 open tabs on the browser also known as my mind.

When I have all of these thoughts and ideas floating around in my head it’s easily to forget some of them.

It is also just as easy to get overwhelmed. My mind goes wild and I get anxious. When I have so much to tackle and so many things I want to explore I honestly sometimes can’t breathe until I get them all down on paper.

Enter my go-to strategy for feeling less anxious- the brain dump!

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What exactly is a brain dump? 

I am sure you are wondering, “what is a brain dump and how is this different from a to do list, Stephanie?”

​A brain dump is essentially putting a pen to paper and quite literally, spilling its contents onto the page. You are getting it ALL OUT so you can have clarity. Both on what needs to get done AND mental clarity so you can feel less overwhelmed.

Brain dumps differ from to-do lists in the sense that a brain dump can be things you need to do, but also things you want to try or simply ideas you have that you don’t want to forget!

When would you do a brain dump? 

I use brain dumps all the time for different reasons! Here are a few examples…

⚬ When I simply have reached the point where I can’t breathe and I need to visually see all of the things I have been meaning to get done, no matter what time frame they have to happen in.

⚬  When I am about to go on vacation and I need to get organized on what to pack, my agenda and what I still need to book, reserve or order.

⚬ When I need to clean/organize my house. This is a big one for me because I hate clutter. I actually just did a brain dump on this and some of the things I jotted down were: organize linen closet, change sheets, fold laundry, put away laundry, clear out closets and donate clothes.

⚬ When I am planning a party or an event.

⚬ When I need to get organized on my content. I will often use a brain dump to write down ideas for blog posts, captions, photos and live videos.

How can you organize a brain dump? 

There are so many ways to dump- and none of them are wrong. Some people like a plain sheet of paper with no separation of thoughts. I have done it this way in the past, and although it does get the job done, I still feel a bit unorganized because there is no order to what I write.

After years of dumping I feel like I have found a great system. I use a piece of paper separated into quadrants.

Sometimes I label the quadrants (I’ll give you ideas for this below) and sometimes I don’t because my brain dump is a more general one (like when I have a ton of random tasks that I need to get done). But generally speaking four quadrants is enough space for me to not only dump everything but also allows for general organization of thoughts. I can then go on to make smaller to-do lists out of my quadrants if I need to.

How can I label my brain dump?

I find quadrants to be super helpful. They allow me to focus and even sometimes jog my memory so I don’t forget anything!

Here are a few ways you can label your quads: 
-To do, to buy, to try, to get rid of
-Today, this week, this month, this year
-Immediate, soon, later, down the road
-Urgent, important, less important, least important
Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter
-Family, business, side gig, self care
-1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter, 4th quarter

You can also make your own more specific labels like this real-life example I use before a trip…
To pack, to book/reserve, to buy, to organize

Or, if you just need to get it all out, don’t label the quadrants at all – just have at it!

As you can see, I am preeeeeety enthusiastic about brain dumps! It is truly the number one way I gain clarity and stay focused! That’s why I am sharing my free brain dump printable (which is perfectly separated into four quadrants!).

I hope it helps you tackle everything from giving the dog a bath to crushing goals at work!

2700 in 2017– Join me in this fun savings challenge!

The daily latte.

The weekly mani.

The monthly shoe splurge.

Whatever you indulgence is, it’s adding up! I never realized how much I was spending on coffee until my husband and I sat and actually added it up this month.

Care to guess?

Nope, not $50. Not $100. Not even $150.

I am spending $200 a month… ON COFFEE!!!!! Doing the math was a total eye opener. I thought my quick stop to the Starbucks drive-thru was innocuous because it’s just a few bucks at a time. But when I figured out my yearly spending I almost spit out my coffee! $200 a month is $2400 A YEAR. That’s a lot of beans!

One of my resolutions is to stop spending so much- and find new ways to save.

Sure, a visit to Starbucks every once in a while is fine. But not everyday.

Today I bought myself a Ninja Coffee Maker and vowed to do something smart with all the extra cash I am going to have. Me and Starbucks and breaking up… for a better cause!

Saving can be hard, especially with a mortgage, bills, kids, and a life! But when we really look at where our money goes (seriously–I knew I was spending a lot on my daily caffeine fix but I had NO IDEA just how bad it was!) we can easily find pockets of cash we can funnel away into an emergency fund. Or a vacation fund. Or a fund to do something awesome with like pay off your home early, get out of credit card debt, pay cash for next Christmas or just splurge on something way cooler than coffee.

So here we go… I am committing to 2700 in 2017! Will you commit with me?? Here is how it works!


Every week we will put away a certain dollar amount into a savings account. We start off small and then increase by $2 every week. By the time we get to THIS WEEK NEXT YEAR… we will have saved $2700!!

If you and your spouse do this with BOTH your paychecks you will save $5400. What you save each week you will barely miss– it will be under $100 up until there last 2 weeks of the year. Everyone can find room in their budget to do this.

Ready?? Here is what you will save each week…


See how easy it will be?  Starting next week you’ll put away $2 in an account.

Then $4 the following week. $6 the week after that. See where I am going with this?

I can’t wait to get started. I am going to make a weekly reminder in my phone and also in my planner so I never forget.

Are you going to take the 2700 in 2017 challenge too?? Comment below if you’re with me!

Check back in January for more fun challenges and ways to get organized in the coming year!

Dining Room Makeover

It is pretty amazing what a few small changes can do! Today I took a look at our home when we first bought it. Without doing any renovations we were able to transform it into something totally new and fresh! I will be posting different rooms here, but today I will start with my favorite– the dining room!

I will admit, I love the aqua color, but it was the color of our bedroom in our last two homes so I decided we needed a change. I wanted a more neutral, rustic look for the dining area, so I went with a muted grey/beige paint.

Ever since I could remember I wanted a farmhouse table. I fell IN LOVE with this one from Pier 1. It is really so beautiful. The two side chairs and bench are also from Pier 1 and the end chairs are from T.J. Maxx.

My light fixture was something I had also been lusting after. Isn’t it pretty and unique? I loved the look of the floating candles. Plus, it was UNDER $200!!! Great find!

Finally my gallery wall is just dollar store mirrors and finds from Home Goods! I just collected them over the past few months. I feel like it makes the room look so much bigger!

What do you think of my before and after?! Scroll down for links to get my style!






Christmas Decor Tour

My favorite thing about Christmas is that you create this magical, beautiful world that you get to live in and enjoy for a few weeks! The softness of the lights combined wit the glitter accents and scent of pine from a fresh tree is heaven in your home.

This year I decorated two trees– one is an artificial simple pencil tree with poinsettias, plaid ribbon and just a few gold ornaments. The other is a fresh tree with a candy land theme.








For a simple centerpiece I found inexpensive ornaments and ball fillers at Michael’s and put them in a circle tray with a silk floral arrangement I already had in.


I love picking a theme for my tree each year. Although it may sound expensive to buy new ornaments year after year it really isn’t! Make an investment in some good quality ball ornaments in both red/green/white and gold/silver/bronze. These are versatile and can be used for many themes. Shatter-proof sets are fairly inexpensive and can be purchased at the beginning of every season in nearly every store that stocks holiday decor. If you are lucky you may even be able to snag some on sale after the holidays! I have seen really great sets at Kmart, CVS and Michael’s.

Picks, ribbon and other fillers are inexpensive enough that you can repurchase for your theme each year. I throw my ribbon away after the holiday since I cut it for the exact length of my tree and each year we get a fresh one, so size will vary. If you have an artificial tree you can save your ribbon– just store in a place where it will not get flattened.  I have a set of picks I like to use no matter what theme I am doing (feathers, beaded, curly) and then I add in themed-picks. This year it was the peppermint balls, last year it was bronze leaves.

CUPCAKE ORNAMENT from above [they are from Fortunoff, couldn’t find them online]… SIMILAR 

Ribbon is the quickest way to make your tree look fuller and more festive. I use green pipe cleaners (yep— the kid’s craft kind!) to secure each piece of ribbon in place. Sure, it takes a little extra time but the results are worth it!

Just a note— wired ribbon is BEST for trimming a tree. It will bend easily and allow you to get that pretty “wave” effect that you see in my photos. It  is also easier to handle and work with.

Try this order to make tree-trimming easier: Lights, ribbon, picks/stems (these are also great to fill in a sparse tree), decorative ornaments (like my cupcakes above), basic ball ornaments, large filler balls (see above, bottom right hand corner) and finally thin picks or feathers at the top to create dimension.


Mirrors and mirrored furniture will make any space look wider and larger. This gem was a sale find at Pier 1 last year. I will never grow tired of it!


I keep these branches in my entryway all year long. The basin, which you can’t see here, is a copper oversized milk can that I found at a garage sale over the summer. You can use any milk can or vase to hold your branches. The birch and thinner branches are TJ Maxx finds. The glitter branches were $10 each at Pier 1. I couldn’t find them on the website for you but I am sure if you bring this photo into your local store they can help you find them. If you didn’t want to mix the real branches with the glitter you could just do ALL sparkly ones. This is how Pier 1 had them displayed and it was GORG!!!




And finally my favorite ornament of the season— a reminder that in 2015 was the year we purchased our first home. Bonus, it fit the candy land theme of my second tree so well!

Wishing you a warm holiday that is filled with love, laughter, light and time spent with those you love the most!

From our home to yours,

The Paradiso Family


Christmas Magic

I LOVE the Christmas season! I start getting excited about it way in advance. Anyone that says “It is TOO EARLY for Christmas in October” is a nut! Why wouldn’t you want the beauty and the magic that the Christmas season seems to bring to last longer than just 25 days?

It should be Christmas everyday. Or at least we should feel this season of giving and love more often than just once a year.

Aside from all the feels, I love Christmas for the… you guessed it…


The tree, the garland, the perfectly place ornaments.

It is totally my jam.

I am still working on decorating my own house (we are getting our tree this weekend!) but here is some gorgeous, drool-worthy decor inspiration. I will post my own pictures and decor with links after the weekend!

I hope this holds you over for now!




Easy Holiday Entertaining

I’m back! We are finally all settled in our new home. I promise that I will post photos and some details on my decor very soon. Thanks for patiently waiting for the next STYLEgloss!

All this packing and unpacking made me forget just how close we are to the holiday season— I mean Halloween is less than a week away. That means Thanksgiving is right around the corner and so are all the fixings that come along with it.

I really enjoy entertaining and cooking for a crowd, although I admit it sometimes does get overwhelming. Whether you are hosting your family’s annual Thanksgiving feast or just inviting a few friends over for wine and cheese I have some great tips and products to make it all a bit easier. Here are my picks for entertaining and ideas on simple get-togethers– any excuse for a party!


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Creating a beautiful Pinterest-inspired tablescape can not only be super time consuming but it also not always practical. If you are serving a big meal you still want lots of room for all your serving platters and place settings. In this case I think less is more. I love the soft ambient lighting that you can only achieve with candles. This five piece flameless set is awesome because you can create a beautiful centerpiece of scatted tablescape just by adding a few silk leaves or flowers. Flameless also gives you piece of mind not having to worry about any of your gusts knocking into them as they pass the turkey.

A  S I M P L E  S T A R T

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A cheese board is the ultimate appetizer for any get together. Something as simple as cheese and crackers can be elevated to an elegant starter just through presentation. This cheese board serving set is convenient and takes the guess work out how to create a beautiful display. Keep cheese, crackers and a bottle of wine on hand throughout the season so that you can throw together this simple board when unexpected company drops in.

Host tip: When creating a charcuterie and cheese platter you want to maintain balance. Select 3-5 varieties of cheese (hard, creamy, nutty, sharp- the more variation the better) and pair with cold meats like prosciutto, speck or salami.  Add salty cured olives, nuts or grapes plus crostini to complete the platter. 

W I G G L E  R O O M

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This foldable cart is perfect if your kitchen is lacking in extra counter space or you just need a little extra room. It stores flat so it takes up virtually no room when you are no using it. Create a baking station closer to your oven or use it as a coffee and dessert cart. It is super affordable and comes in four colors!

Host Tip: How fun would it be to roll in a cart filled with sweets from top to bottom when it is time for dessert? Display cakes, cookies, candy and mini pastries on the top two shelves and dessert plates, forks and knives on the bottom. 

S W E E T  E N D I N G

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If your home is anything like mine, holidays are always associated with baking– a lots of it! Create beautifully decorated cookies and cakes with these insanely easy to use silicone decorating bottles and tips. I love using these on even the simplest of cupcakes to make them feel just a little bit more special.

Host Tip: Bake box mix cupcakes in pretty holiday-themed liners. Pipe store bought frosting onto each cake using one of the bottles and tips from the set above. Finish with sparkly sprinkles like these to dress up your average cupcake! 

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Harry London chocolates are essentially synonymous with the holiday season. This pretty tin filled with delicious buckeyes is a fun way to serve a sweet treat after dinner or makes a great hostess gift if you are visiting friends. I like to keep a few on hand each year.

E X C E P T I O N A L  S E R V I C E

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This pumpkin tureen does double duty- it looks pretty on your table and it can also be used as a:

 wine chiller– just add ice.

punch bowl– try this apple pie sangria recipe!

 self-service soup pot– be sure to place a bowl at each table setting.

centerpiece– add silk or fresh flowers.

S P O T  O N

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How adorable is this teapot? It is a piece that you can keep on your cooktop all year long but also is a beautiful way to serve your guests tea during dessert.

G E T  C O O K I N’

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Allow me to introduce you to the world’s best kitchen sidekick– The Ninja! You can use this as a stovetop, a slow cooker or a roaster. Slow cooking allows you to free up your oven (especially if your turkey or ham is hogging all the real estate) and helps to pace your prep prior to dinner. I use my slow cooker at least once a week in the winter– it is a great kitchen staple that you won’t regret investing in.

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Many of you may already have a KitchenAid mixer and you know just how easy it makes life. If you don’t have one or need to upgrade my advice is… do it! You will be so happy you did.

S I M P L E  G A T H E R I N G S

Here are a few fun ideas for fall and holiday soirees…

pumpkin carving party 

potluck friends-giving

harvest dinner

holiday cookie exchange 

gift wrapping get together

What tips or tools make your life easier during the holiday season? Share them with me! #STYLEglossblog.

September… Already!

Can you believe it? Another summer down! Where did the time go?

Seriously… It feels like I just put away my Christmas decorations.

I’m not complaining, though! As much as I love a great book by the pool, I love fall more. Something about the hope of new beginnings and extra time spent with family and friends indoors makes me giddy. Don’t you still feel like a school kid each year when September inches back up on us? Sometimes all you really need is a new pair of sneakers, some notebooks and a sharp haircut to be ready to take on the world!

I like to use this month as a time to reflect on what’s happened over the past three months or so. I find that summer tends to escape us very quickly as we enjoy the carefree spirit that seems to be cast upon the entire world as we soak up those dog days. I am reminded today as I check my calendar that in a few weeks we will have pushed our shorts and flip flops to the back of the closet in exchange for cozy sweaters and boots.

At the start of every month I set goals for myself (both personally and for my businesses) and I try to set aside time for things that I know I would like to do. Sure, a week long tropical getaway would be nice but I know that won’t be happening any time soon (at least not until wedding season is over). But I still like to set time aside for me, whether that is a few hours here and there to indulge in a great book or to meet up with friends that I haven’t seen in a while.

It is very easy to get swept away in the day-to-day and forget to take care of ourselves, especially during these next few weeks when children are settling back into routines and we begin realizing that our carefree disposition is behind us.

Today I am pausing to write myself a “fall bucket list” of sorts. Things I want to accomplish in my business (finally finish my new website!) and for me (read a few books, finish some Pinterest projects, organize my closet). I have found great success in writing things down and keeping that paper visible each day. This keeps me focused on what is important to me and serves as a daily reminder for me to keep pushing forward.

This month is all about reflection and projection. What did you accomplish already and where do you want to go? In business? In life? As a parent? As a spouse? As an individual?

September can sometimes become a “lost” month. With so much going on it too seems to disappear as quickly as it arrived. I know that I won’t be letting these next four weeks slip by. How about you? What is on your bucket list for fall?

If you are making a list today too please let me know! I would love to cheer you on learn what your goals are and what activities you will be doing. Of course my list is going to include the obligatory pumpkin picking trip and even some apple pie making. OH… and to drink as much pumpkin spice as I can possible consume before I turn into a #PSL at midnight.

Happy September!

On the mark…

Arrows make me happy. They instantly remind me of the Kasey Musgrave’s song “Follow Your Arrow” and that also makes me happy. Here are my picks to incorporate directionals into every aspect of your life, whether you want to buy them or DIY!

Pink Metallic Arrow Pillow, $18

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Just The Right Direction Tank, $30

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Gold Arrow Print, $5


Watercolor Arrow Print, $12


Monogram Tribal Arrow Notebook, $14


DIY Wooden Arrows | Directions here


Thanksgiving in July

Thanks to the nature of the fashion industry I am always a season or two ahead. As everyone is enjoying the summer sun this week, I am already focused on buying fall clothes for my store and (starting in August) prom dresses for the spring of 2015!

It’s not my fault that all I can think about right now is fall- especially when I keep hearing the words “Christmas in July” being thrown around this month. That means we are SO close to boots, sweaters and PUMPKIN EVERYTHING!

Since I am dreaming of pumpkin muffins and lattes, I thought I could satisfy my cravings by making a feast of comfort food that incorporated one of my favorite fall dishes.

I have a soft spot for sweet potato casserole– you know, the kind with all that gooey brown sugar and marshmallows? Sure, you could pick up a whole batch of this delicious piece of heaven at Boston Market on your way home, but this homemade version is just so much better! I love this recipe from Rebecca Lang’s Around the Southern Table. In fact, I love her whole book! Download it now or pick it up at your local bookstore and you will instantly see why it will become a go-to in your kitchen.

The one thing that I changed about Lang’s version of sweet potato casserole was the topping. She uses crushed gingersnaps to create a crumbled topping but Chris doesn’t care for them. Instead I made my own crumble (recipe below). It is a generic recipe that I think everyone should know how to make. You can use this topping for tons of things- cobblers, crumb cake, crust-less apple pie. The best part is that it is easy to make and even tastier to eat!

Not sure what else to serve with your sweet potato casserole when it’s not November? I made fried chicken and herbed biscuits to go along with it! All recipes were from Lang’s book.

Stephanie’s Simple Crumb Topping:

1 stick of butter (softened- NOT melted!)

1 cup flour

1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar

1 teaspoon of nutmeg

1 Tablespoon cinnamon


Mix together flour, brown sugar, nutmeg and cinnamon so that your mixture is a light brown color. You should not see any white spots. Add your butter by mixing it into your dry mixture with your hands. You should eventually see the mixture turn into what looks like crumbs or crumbles. Use this topping for pies, cakes and cobbles . Simply top your dish with it prior to baking.

Variation: Add 1/2 cup oats or honey granola for more texture.

Make your casserole ahead of time! Prepare the base and then make your topping just before you are ready to bake.

Make your casserole ahead of time! Prepare the base and then make your topping just before you are ready to bake.

PS: My casserole dish in the photo above is Temp-Tations from QVC. The whole line consists of stoneware pieces that go in the oven, microwave, dishwasher and are pretty enough to serve from. This color combination was a spring limited edition but this set is the same one I have, just different color options.

Pillow Talk

I feel as though the major battle between husband and wife when it comes to home décor is agreeing on an appropriate number of pillows for each piece of furniture. I can’t get enough of them. Chris (and 99% of husbands around the world) find toss pillows useless.

I find that though disturbing.

Here is how I jazzed up my amazing couch from La-Z-Boy with some cute accessories.

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Pillows from left to right:

Aqua Blue Pillow– Chris and I actually made this pillow! The fabric is pre-cut from Michael’s. Pillows are easy to make! If you find fabric you love but are not sure what to do with it just ask for a yard (it is enough to make one big pillow or two smaller pillows like the one in this photo) and sew it up almost until it is closed. Stuff with plush stuffing (also at Michael’s) and sew up.

His & Hers Pillow– I picked this pillow up at T.J. Maxx about six months before we got married. It used to have a home on our bed but we recently got a new duvet and pillows that matched, so I found a new place for it! I have seen this pillow and the “Mr. & Mrs.” version floating around at Home Goods. You may still be able to find it! Here is a similar burlap style pillow from Etsy!

Orange Pom Pom Pillow– Recently picked this one up at Bed & Bath! Now is a great time to shop for throw pillows there because they have many different collections for college students. This pillow was so unique and I though it would be a great addition to the one behind it (which I also picked up at Bed & Bath). Don’t forget to bring your 20% off coupon!

Boho Print Pillow: I LOVE the print on this pillow! I wanted a boho look for my living room couch and I though that mixing and matching prints would be perfect. I stuck with an orange/red color pallet for this side of the couch. This pillow was a little expensive ($49.99) but I think it is so versatile that you can match it with many different colors or prints.

Square Printed Pillow: I just picked this one up today at the Long Beach craft fair. It is from Surf Chic Designs– check them out online! I loved all their pillows but this one was the most perfect for my couch.

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I mixed and matched patterns, colors and sizes to create a fun splash of color in my mainly neutral living room. The coffee table (which is actually a wooden wine trunk) is from Pier1 as is the tray. Here are a few of my picks for other great throw pillows!