Feeling overwhelmed? Try this!

Ever put off something that is kind of important?

Maybe for like, a day?

A week?

A whole year?

::raises hand slowly:: 

I can be super forgetful, especially about things that are pressing. And ESPECIALLY about things that are NOT work related.

My brain is clogged with a ton lists. To do, to buy, to drop off, to pick up, to order, to clean, to share, to try, to post… I mean, it is endless. And also really hard to keep track of when I try to manage it all in 1000 open tabs on the browser also known as my mind.

When I have all of these thoughts and ideas floating around in my head it’s easily to forget some of them.

It is also just as easy to get overwhelmed. My mind goes wild and I get anxious. When I have so much to tackle and so many things I want to explore I honestly sometimes can’t breathe until I get them all down on paper.

Enter my go-to strategy for feeling less anxious- the brain dump!

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What exactly is a brain dump? 

I am sure you are wondering, “what is a brain dump and how is this different from a to do list, Stephanie?”

​A brain dump is essentially putting a pen to paper and quite literally, spilling its contents onto the page. You are getting it ALL OUT so you can have clarity. Both on what needs to get done AND mental clarity so you can feel less overwhelmed.

Brain dumps differ from to-do lists in the sense that a brain dump can be things you need to do, but also things you want to try or simply ideas you have that you don’t want to forget!

When would you do a brain dump? 

I use brain dumps all the time for different reasons! Here are a few examples…

⚬ When I simply have reached the point where I can’t breathe and I need to visually see all of the things I have been meaning to get done, no matter what time frame they have to happen in.

⚬  When I am about to go on vacation and I need to get organized on what to pack, my agenda and what I still need to book, reserve or order.

⚬ When I need to clean/organize my house. This is a big one for me because I hate clutter. I actually just did a brain dump on this and some of the things I jotted down were: organize linen closet, change sheets, fold laundry, put away laundry, clear out closets and donate clothes.

⚬ When I am planning a party or an event.

⚬ When I need to get organized on my content. I will often use a brain dump to write down ideas for blog posts, captions, photos and live videos.

How can you organize a brain dump? 

There are so many ways to dump- and none of them are wrong. Some people like a plain sheet of paper with no separation of thoughts. I have done it this way in the past, and although it does get the job done, I still feel a bit unorganized because there is no order to what I write.

After years of dumping I feel like I have found a great system. I use a piece of paper separated into quadrants.

Sometimes I label the quadrants (I’ll give you ideas for this below) and sometimes I don’t because my brain dump is a more general one (like when I have a ton of random tasks that I need to get done). But generally speaking four quadrants is enough space for me to not only dump everything but also allows for general organization of thoughts. I can then go on to make smaller to-do lists out of my quadrants if I need to.

How can I label my brain dump?

I find quadrants to be super helpful. They allow me to focus and even sometimes jog my memory so I don’t forget anything!

Here are a few ways you can label your quads: 
-To do, to buy, to try, to get rid of
-Today, this week, this month, this year
-Immediate, soon, later, down the road
-Urgent, important, less important, least important
Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter
-Family, business, side gig, self care
-1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter, 4th quarter

You can also make your own more specific labels like this real-life example I use before a trip…
To pack, to book/reserve, to buy, to organize

Or, if you just need to get it all out, don’t label the quadrants at all – just have at it!

As you can see, I am preeeeeety enthusiastic about brain dumps! It is truly the number one way I gain clarity and stay focused! That’s why I am sharing my free brain dump printable (which is perfectly separated into four quadrants!).

I hope it helps you tackle everything from giving the dog a bath to crushing goals at work!

Decor Inspiration: Summertime Design


How gorgeous is this cheery summer decor? Perfect for a beach house or any home that you want to make feel bigger and more open. The light and bright color palette is the perfect blend of costal contemporary that would make even the biggest pessimist a ball of sunshine. This look was featured in Harper’s Bazar and would cost a pretty penny to copy in your own home! Recreate the look with my budget-friendly picks and the perfect summer paradise right in your own living room.

Brentwood Outdoor Pillow, TJMaxx, $10 each

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Pack a punch on your couch– decorate with bright patterned pillows accented by solid ones in a complimentary color. I love the design on this pillow. Yellow is a color that just doesn’t get enough recognition. It is so cheery and really brightens up a room. Plus, it looks great on a linen couch. Although these are outdoor pillows they can be used indoors, especially if you have kids or critters. You’ll appreciate how durable they are. At $10 a pop, you can afford to pick a few up and then rotate them out once we say so long to summer!

Aquanova Taco Tray, Amara $29

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A pretty tray is the easiest (and most organized) way to dress up your coffee table. I love this lacquered aqua tray for a few reasons. First, it is so beautiful but second, it can provide a home for odds and ends that you are not quite sure what to do with.  I keep a stack of magazines or coffee table books in mine, along with a silk arrangement of peonies. It also is a great place to hold coaters (or put a drink on if a coaster isn’t in reach) and TV remote.

Brass Round Coral Bowl, Ethan Allen $249


Mimic the seaside feel of this tablescape with a kitchy coral bowl. If you plan to keep your decor costal all year long you can easily “winterize” your living room by adding a few natural wicker spheres to the bowl. This bowl looks way more expensive than it is and can be a fun alternative if crystal or china isn’t exactly your style.

Thomas Linen Sectional in Cream, One Kings Lane $2,599


When my husband and I were picking out furniture I HAD to HAVE a couch with grommets. It was the one piece I would not compromise on! At the time it was hard to find a good quality, affordable couch with beautiful details like this one. Our couch is more like a love seat (although the salesperson insisted that it was full size) and it barely fits the both of us on move night. I love this couch from One Kings Lane. Sectionals are certainly the way to go! There is more than enough room for everyone to stretch out and it is especially great for entertaining– I wish I had found this one two years ago.

Signature Design Coffee Table, Wayfair $299


This table is the perfect centerpiece of your living room. Big enough to be practical (love the bottom shelf) and so beautiful! The natural wood look and casual style push the beach theme of this room home. The glossy aqua tray and the vintage wood provide a nice contract that makes sense!

Lexie Geometric Print Curtain Pair, Overstock.com $32

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Geometric prints (no matter the design) usually pair nicely– thats why I love these curtains and the pillows together! Aqua blue and yellow is a cheery, beach combination that will make your space look bigger than it is. If you want to match your curtains and pillows like the inspiration image above you can easily pick out upholstery fabric at your local craft store (I like JoAnn Crafts). Ask the salesperson at the fabric counter for help on measuring out how much you will need– they will most likely be able to tell you!