September… Already!

Can you believe it? Another summer down! Where did the time go?

Seriously… It feels like I just put away my Christmas decorations.

I’m not complaining, though! As much as I love a great book by the pool, I love fall more. Something about the hope of new beginnings and extra time spent with family and friends indoors makes me giddy. Don’t you still feel like a school kid each year when September inches back up on us? Sometimes all you really need is a new pair of sneakers, some notebooks and a sharp haircut to be ready to take on the world!

I like to use this month as a time to reflect on what’s happened over the past three months or so. I find that summer tends to escape us very quickly as we enjoy the carefree spirit that seems to be cast upon the entire world as we soak up those dog days. I am reminded today as I check my calendar that in a few weeks we will have pushed our shorts and flip flops to the back of the closet in exchange for cozy sweaters and boots.

At the start of every month I set goals for myself (both personally and for my businesses) and I try to set aside time for things that I know I would like to do. Sure, a week long tropical getaway would be nice but I know that won’t be happening any time soon (at least not until wedding season is over). But I still like to set time aside for me, whether that is a few hours here and there to indulge in a great book or to meet up with friends that I haven’t seen in a while.

It is very easy to get swept away in the day-to-day and forget to take care of ourselves, especially during these next few weeks when children are settling back into routines and we begin realizing that our carefree disposition is behind us.

Today I am pausing to write myself a “fall bucket list” of sorts. Things I want to accomplish in my business (finally finish my new website!) and for me (read a few books, finish some Pinterest projects, organize my closet). I have found great success in writing things down and keeping that paper visible each day. This keeps me focused on what is important to me and serves as a daily reminder for me to keep pushing forward.

This month is all about reflection and projection. What did you accomplish already and where do you want to go? In business? In life? As a parent? As a spouse? As an individual?

September can sometimes become a “lost” month. With so much going on it too seems to disappear as quickly as it arrived. I know that I won’t be letting these next four weeks slip by. How about you? What is on your bucket list for fall?

If you are making a list today too please let me know! I would love to cheer you on learn what your goals are and what activities you will be doing. Of course my list is going to include the obligatory pumpkin picking trip and even some apple pie making. OH… and to drink as much pumpkin spice as I can possible consume before I turn into a #PSL at midnight.

Happy September!